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Black Knot Fungus Removal at Hicks with EALT and NCC - Part 2

Often overlooked, Hicks Conservation Lands are full of life! 149 acres of forest and wetlands provides critical habitat for wildlife in the Beaverhills Biosphere Reserve, just east of Edmonton. Just like on some of our other conservation lands, here we also fight to protect trees in the Prunus family (e.g. cherry trees) and others from black knot fungus, which grows within and on the outside of branches, eventually killing the tree. At this event we will remove as much fungus as we can find, and we’ll record the spots we find it for future monitoring. Nature Conservancy of Canada staff and volunteers with be joining us to tackle this big project!

We worked on the black knot at Hicks in November, and there is a patch remaining that would benefit from further pruning. You can see a preview of this activity here!

Wear sturdy shoes and warm, comfortable clothes, and bring a lunch, water, hat, and a camera or binoculars if you'd like. Tools, gloves and extra snacks will be provided. Additional information will be sent to you several days in advance of the event. Sign up through the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s website below!

Email Meghan at for more information.