Mini Den

Create a mini shelter for a mouse, a bug, a snail, or a tiny garden fairy to come live in!

Many animals use natural materials to create a shelter. Dens, also called burrows, can be used for having babies in, like the Snowshoe Hare, or for hibernating like the Black Bear does.


What You’ll Need

  • Small twigs, leaves, nuts, berries, pinecones, or other natural materials you can find!


What To Do

  1. Assemble the construction materials in your yard or a nearby forest or natural area. 

  2. Create your mini den!

    a. Use a teepee style, a lean-to style, or create your own unique style.

    b. If a small animal, bug, or faerie were to come live in your shelter, think of what they would need to be comfortable, like a bed, chairs or snacks.

    c. Decorate your mini den with natural items.

  3. Check up on your mini den after a few days. Is it still intact? Does it look like any creatures have used it?

  4. Looking for another challenge? Try making dens of different sizes for larger animals. Try making one rabbit, fox, or bear sized.

Ask Yourself

  • How long did your mini den stay standing?

  • How could you make it stronger next time?

  • Which materials were the easiest to build with? 

  • Do you think you could build a den big enough for yourself to fit in? 

Blog post written by Claire Merkosky, SCiP intern.