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Bat Box and Bee Hotel Workshop at Larch Sanctuary

Larch Sanctuary is EALT's only conservation area within the city of Edmonton, and it also has one of our bee hotels! Most wildlife are threatened by habitat loss in areas of human development, making Larch Sanctuary an ideal place to make up for lost natural habitat. In order to help out our valuable pollinators and other wildlife, we are going to build some bee hotels and bat boxes to provide alternative habitat for these critters! We will work on the boxes in the morning, and then finish off the event with an early afternoon tour of Larch Sanctuary.

We will meet at 9:00 am and finish around 2 pm. Wear sturdy shoes and comfortable clothes, and bring a lunch, water, hat, sunscreen/bugspray, and a camera or binoculars if you'd like. Tools, gloves and extra snacks will be provided, but please bring your own drill with spare batteries. Additional information will be sent to you several days in advance of the event.

Learn more about our elusive friends the bats here, and bees here!

This event is now full. Join us at out May 20th Bee Hotel Building event if you still want to get involved!

Email Meghan at for more information.