Lu Carbyn, a retired biologist, learned of a unique piece of land for sale. Having just purchased two quarter sections, he was not in the market to buy more natural land, but couldn’t resist the temptation to go have a look.
As Lu began to explore the property, he was immediately impressed by the diversity of the landscape and absolutely fell in love. This land is covered in deciduous forest, speckled with conifers, and splashed by a chain of marshy wetlands. A small lake borders the corner of the quarter, with an impressive beaver lodge just off the shore.
Lu knew he just had to protect this land from development, so made an offer on the spot. The landowner accepted and the wheels were set in motion!
Lu came to realize just how important this area was as he began documenting bird species – an amazing 95 species in this one quarter. On a short hike in late May, it’s common to spot 50 or more species, which makes this a phenomenal place to learn and practice birding skills.
Lu’s generation was exposed to nature a great deal more than today’s youth. He saw how important this land was as he took his students there, teaching them first-hand about his lifetime of biological knowledge. Lu knew there was not enough being done by the government to protect critical habitat such as this, and the importance of protection at the private level.
““As individuals, we may feel powerless to change the big picture. Yet even so, I am a great believer in the power of the individual.””
Wanting the land to be managed so that it will always be cherished by existing and future generations, Lu approached the Edmonton and Area Land Trust to accept the land.
““Donating the Lu Carbyn Nature Sanctuary to EALT is just another step along the way to foster avian conservation on many fronts. It also gives me great satisfaction to leave this world a bit better for my grandchildren and their grandchildren.””
Do you feel powerless to change the big picture? Or like Lu, do you believe in the power of the individual?
Donate funds now to join many other like-minded individuals, and help EALT care for this natural area in perpetuity, and accept even more donations like the Lu Carbyn Nature Sanctuary. Private conservation is made possible by your generosity!