Land Donor Highlight: Lu Carbyn
Lu Carbyn spent most of his working life focused on wolves and foxes. Now he is stepping back and looking at the wider world through a biologist's eyes while also finding long-term ways to give back. He recently donated approximately 160 acres to the Edmonton & Area Land Trust to create the Lu Carbyn Nature Sanctuary. The sanctuary is home to a wide variety of wildlife, more than 95 different species of birds, and includes undisturbed Boreal forest and wetlands. Since this area is near the Lily Lake Natural Area, as well as several other protected lands in the area, donating the land to EALT ensures that this quarter section continues to support a high level of biodiversity for future generations.
Lu Carbyn at Lu Carbyn Nature Sancturay
“I have a great belief in what I call the power of the individual. This is my way of giving back to nature some of what I got from it. I want to leave a legacy behind that will provide future generations the possibility of having natural resources and it is a way of giving back to Canada and Canada’s future. We need to protect land and the government can’t do it all. But collectively we can protect part of Canada for future generations and this is my contribution.”
About Donating Land
Is donating land something that interests you? Check out our Planning Your Conservation Legacy guide to learn more about working with EALT. We accept gifts of ecologically significant lands, which we will protect in perpetuity. Environment Canada's Ecological Gifts Program enables landowners to donate land and receive significant tax benefits. Another option is placing a Conservation Easement on all or parts of your property. Conservation Easements are a tool to allow you to permanently protect natural and cultural features of your land, without giving up ownership or use, while EALT continues conservation of these lands in perpetuity.
Read more about how we conserve nature to learn about donating land, conservation easements, and about how conservation works. Our Planning Your Conservation Legacy guide has additional information to help you understand the process of donating your land or placing a Conservation Easement. Contact us to talk more about your options for conserving your land.
Donating land is just one way you can help land conservation in the Edmonton area. Donating funds is another method of aiding conservation, especially if land donation is not an option for you. These funds will help support the securement of ecologically significant lands, as well as help with stewardship efforts in the years that follow. Donating is easy to do, can be a great gift idea, and you will receive a donation receipt to use on next year’s taxes!
Please note that Lu Carbyn Nature Sanctuary is not yet open to the public, which is why there are no driving directions or maps posted on our website. We hope to have the site prepared for public entrance by Spring 2021.