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Bird Box Cleaning at Pipestone Creek

EALT has many lands to steward, and we haven’t quite made it out to Pipestone Creek this year to clean out nest boxes yet! Pipestone Creek is a unique landscape. Forested land is sandwiched between Coal Lake and Pipestone Creek itself, offering stunning view of the creek. In this area, wildlife also flourish, and EALT has set up numerous bird boxes to help them out. It is home to many bird species, including Tree Swallows and House Wrens. It is time to clean out old nesting material from the bird boxes to make room for next years occupants, and we need your help! 

Update: Because Pipestone Creek is quite a distance away we have decided to also tackle some black knot fungus as this event! Black knot fungus infects and kills trees in the Prunus family (e.g. cherry trees). Participants can exclusively clean nest boxes, or remove fungus, or do both!

We will meet at 9:00 am at South Edmonton Common to carpool to Pipestone Creek. We will finish our work in the early afternoon, getting back around 4 pm. Wear sturdy shoes and warm, comfortable clothes, and bring a lunch, water, hat, and a camera or binoculars if you'd like. Tools, gloves and extra snacks will be provided. Additional information will be sent to you several days in advance of the event.

This event is now full, thank you for your interest!

Email Meghan at for more information.