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Explore Carbyn Creek Wildlands

EALT is excited to announce our newest conservation land and open it to the public in Westlock County. The land’s donor and namesake is Lu Carbyn, a renowned wildlife biologist and adjunct professor at the University of Alberta. Lu has stewarded this place in his efforts to conserve and maintain bird habitat. A variety of bird species have been recorded during breeding bird surveys including pileated woodpecker, broad-winged hawk, and many songbirds such as the Black-and-White Warbler, Boreal Chickadee, and Blue-headed Vireo. This land also provides habitat for other species including moose, bear, and amphibians like the western toad.

You can explore this land by joining Lu and EALT staff on our very first public nature walk! We will begin the walk at 10:00 am and be finished by 2:00 pm. This event involves walking up to 5 kilometers on a variety of trail conditions. Most of the trails are wide, grass paths, but there are some sections of narrow and uneven terrain. Trails may be flooded or icy in some parts. Additional information will be sent to you several days in advance of the event. The land is located in Westlock County, about a 1.5 hour drive from the center of Edmonton.

What to wear and bring

  • Hiking shoes (waterproof is recommended this time of year)

  • Layers of warm clothing (spring conditions may be rainy or snowy, bring a toque, good gloves or mittens, and warm socks)

  • A lunch and lots of water

  • Gaiters (if you have them)

  • Optional: Nature journal, binoculars, camera

Other notes

  • If you need to cancel, please do so through or inform us as soon as possible. Please arrive on time.

  • Events are weather-dependent and subject to cancellation. If the temperature is forecasted to be below -15 before windchill or include thunderstorms we may reschedule or cancel this event for the safety of participants.

  • Please contact us in advance if you wish to bring a minor to this event.

  • If you wish to carpool with another volunteer, please review our Carpooling Policy here.

Please contact Meghan at if you have any questions.